Saturday, July 05, 2008

Garden 2008

After some beginner's luck in the garden last year with mammoth sunflowers, marigolds, cosmos and cypress vine, we decided this year to plan more and do more with our 3'x30' space.  Saari planning dhari-ki-dhari reh gayi.  We basically started from seeds sown directly outside after last frost (15h May). 

Here is a list, for the record, of what we planted this year :

On the trellis :
Canary Climber, Painted Lady Bean, Scarlet Runner Bean, Morning Glories, Sweet Peas, Cypress Vine

Bulbs :
Muscari, Brodiaea, Dutch Iris, Deft Blue Hyacinth, Gypsy Queen Hyacinth, Daffodils, Allium, Mini Narcissus, Stargazer Lily, Helenium Autumnale, Gladiolus

In the Bed :
Larkspur, Poppies, Zinnia, Pansy, Sunflowers, Dwarf Cosmos, Convolvulus, Nasturtium

The Border :
Allysum and Thumbelina Zinnia

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