Saturday, July 05, 2008

Summer 2007 Flowers: Dwarfed but Not Forgotten

The other -- the "incidental" -- flowers of 2007 summer were also really pretty, even though they were kind of dwarfed by the sunflowers. Take a look (numbering from left to right):

1. Extract from a hummingbird mix; 2. cypress vine; 3. cornflowers (a.k.a. bachelor buttons);

4. marigolds; 5. marigolds, allysum, calendula; 6. nasturtium;

7. cosmos; 8. cornflowers; 9. moon (yup, we grew that in our 3x30);

10. moss rose, alyssum; 11. helenium; 12. sunflower (the normal variety, not the giant);

13. marigold, allyssum, hummingbird mix extracts; 14. cosmos, h'bird mix, marigold, etc.; 15. marigolds.

I am not including those plants that we didn't at least adopt as toddlers, like the stargazer lily, mini roses, mini crysantimums (that doesn't look right...), etc.

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