Saturday, July 05, 2008


After adding bamboos on the trellis every other week to keep up with cypress vine last year, I decided this year we wanted something bigger right from the start. I thought we'd do something very basic and rectangular using bamboos as before for the frame, with something like soccer net for the trellis. Our local garden center had 4" nylon netting, for $5 or so, perfect for us, we got two.

The frame kept Vasudha and me busy one hot Sunday afternoon, very basic 2 long bamboo sticks going up, 3 running horizontal, and 2 down, about 10'x15' in all. Put them in a good foot and a half in the ground for a solid foundation. Strings tied here and there to ground anchors to provide some tension and take away some of the flexure from the vertical beams... we had a working trelllis ready to take the first seedlings!

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